Using the Brain Body lens to help people move, play, feel and perform their best!

Explore how the brain influences movement, performance and pain.

Assess how your brain is taking in information, processing, and creating an output of movement, balance, pain or performance.

Full health history intake.

When did the brain start compensating for an injury? How is it currently compensating? Together, we search for the starting point so that we can find the solution.

Test. Try. Re-test.
It’s the only way to know.

Collaborate to find which movements contribute to your healing, and which may not. Only keep the ones proven to help your body. Leave those that don’t.

Everybody deserves to feel good in their body. And their bodies should be able to do what makes them feel good, joyful, happy and fulfilled.

From elite athletes to folks who have never played a sport in their lives, Sonia works with all humans who want to improve flexibility, wellness, and reduce pain in a safe, holistic environment. She especially focus on folks in the LGBTQIA+ community, knowing that it has not always been safe to be who we are. Creating a place for every body to feel good in every body is the core mission of what Sonia does.

What clients are saying

Have questions? Need answers? Want to schedule your 20 minute free consultation? Contact Sonia!

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About Sonia

Sonia is married with a son and a dog. They all live in Los Angeles….but often dream of the alps.